Wednesday, July 20, 2011

On The Plate Today: No Compromise!

There must be no compromise with those who want to raise taxes and continue to spend this nation into oblivion (Democrats)!  Don't believe the false polls put out by the socialists.  Most Americans do not want compromise between the parties on these issues.

If Republicans compromise here, they will be guilty of trying to bringing about America's destruction, along with the enemies of this nation, the liberal Democrats.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On the Plate Today: They Want To Spend, Spend, Spend... Into Oblivion

The basic strategy of the left worldwide is to spend nations into oblivion and thus, submission.

Grow government and government debt by never ending spending on freedom zapping programs, and then, raise taxes to cover the debt; then, grow more government and government debt, and then, raise more taxes from the people to cover that debt, and it goes on and on until the people are completely depleted and drained.

Socialist governments literally becomes parasites feeding off the people, zapping their strength as it grows (kind of like cancer).

Wake up, people and stand on your own two feet!
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