Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On The Plate Today: Liberalism Begets Tyranny

Democrats (Liberals, socialists, communists, etc) always grow bureaucracy, and bureaucracy leads to tyranny, and thus, the loss of freedom for the people.

More power for them and less freedom for you. That's the way it works all over the world.

Socialist governments stand there with enormous mouths gaping open, sweeping to the east and the west, and to the north and the south, sucking in the sustenance of the people with an appetite that will not be satisfied.  They grow and grow and leave behind shells of human beings sucked dry, not only of money, but more importantly, of freedom and spirit.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cloud Over America

On The Plate Today: Cloud Over America, A poem by me.

America will be having its annual celebration for its founding as an independent nation on July 4th.  She has come a long way in two hundred and thirty-five years; but, that way is quickly coming to an end.

Cloud Over America


a thick, black cloud
blanketing our nation -
weighty, thick, and blinding
like a fog;

our sins have grown so dark

that they're blotting out the sun,

and we've all but turned away

from the Living God.

evil thing
men can think to do,
they do it well from
sea to shining sea,

And like Sodom
and Gomorrah
perished under flames,
America now goes
the way of these.

"One Nation Under God",
"In God, We Trust" -
These words right now
don't seem to mean
a thing.

a thick, black cloud
blanketing our nation-
a threat to life
for every human being.

Come, America,
let's put away our sins,
our murders
and our pride,
and all our greed,

Then, by grace,
the Lord may save us,
forgiving all our sins
if we turn to Him repenting
on our knees.

Constance V. Walden

Saturday, June 25, 2011

On The Plate Today: President Obama, An Enemy To Israel

What has President Obama done?  He has made Israel America's enemy and Israel's enemies America's friends. All Democrat Presidents seem to do this.

It doesn't matter though, since God will always be a steadfast Friend to Israel, though every nation on Earth comes against her.

Mr. Obama, if you are a Christian, as you say you are, you should have read Zechariah 12: 1-9 and Ezekiel, Chapter 38 at some time. You should know that God has a special place in His heart for Israel and will be her Protector, despite you and your global friends.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

On The Plate Today:  Shame On Their Game!

The current condition of the U.S. economy, including the devastating and growing debt, are the total responsibility of President Obama and the Liberals.  They can't blame Bush anymore (though they continue to try).  They own this failing economy (and I suspect they are feigning concern when this has been their plan all along).

It is important to note that the economic disasters happening all over the world, and not just in America, are a result of liberal spending and left-wing programs that cause people to be more and more dependent on government.  

Private businesses in countries around the world are devastated by high taxes imposed by hostile left-wing governments, (click >HERE< to read what President Obama's Treasury Secretary, Mr. Geithner, just said) so that businesses cannot hire and grow.  Businesses become weaker while government becomes more powerful and totalitarian.   This is now happening in the U.S. as a planned assault on freedom.

Warning! Warning! Warning! People of America and the world who have sense, if you hear, wake up!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On The Plate Today: The Nonchalant 
Mr. Obama

With his hands in his pockets, President Obama is standing by watching America crash and burn.

He does not care; In fact, he has been doing everything he can to hasten the event.

All of Mr. Obama's economic policies are designed to destroy the U.S. economy.

Every Democrat and Independent voter supporting Mr. Obama, and what he is doing, are joyful participants in his efforts to take away the rights, the wealth, and the freedom of their fellow Americans. Shame. Shame. Shame.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On The Plate Today: Left-Wing Speak

Words They Like To Use:
The Environment 
Global Warming
Climate Change
Mother Earth
Mother Nature
Working Families (Unions)

Can you think of more?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

On The Plate Today: Bilderbergs. Who Are These People?

Today in Switzerland, a group of 120 rich and famous God-Complexers from around the world are gathering to attend one of their secret conferences.

Who are these people, and who do they think they are???

Monday, June 6, 2011

On The Plate Today: If Only America Would Turn Back

Turn back to God, America. Stop drifting away with your various acts of rebellion.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

On The Plate Today: The Double Standard

U.S. Representative, Anthony Weiner, who is a Democrat,  may have sent a lewd photo of his male body parts in underwear to a woman. If he did, he will most likely suffer no consequences... because he is a Democrat.

If he were a Republican who did something similar, or not even close to the grossness of the act, then he would be gone by now because immoral Republicans are weeded out without mercy, while immoral Democrats are encouraged to stay on and flourish.  They most often win re-election by their supportive Democrat voters.

As a result of the on-going double standard, the moral character of most leading Democrats has evolved to be lower to a greater degree than that of most leading Republicans because of the lack of real punishment when Democrats error.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

On The Plate Today:  Hatred and Killing Is The Name of Their Game

Killing via suicide bombing and by any means is the name of the game, according the spiritual mentor to Iran's leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Read the Ayatollah's opinion by clicking

These are very scary and evil people. Grace and mercy, they do not know.
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