Climate Change News

July 22, 2013, CNSNews. com - "OFA Targets Climate Deniers"

May 19, 2013, BBC News, Science and Environment - Extreme Rates of Warming 'Not as likely'

November 20, 2012, New York Times - CIA Closes Its Climate Change Office.

October 13, 2012, MailOnLine - Global Warming Ended 16 Years Ago.

April 8, 2011, 2011 is the coldest in 15 years.

February 2, 2011, Cold Everywhere.

December 18, 2010, MailOnLine-Brits Have the Coldest Days on Record.

August 31, 2010, Big Hoax Further Exposed.

February 21, 2010, Scientists Withdraw Claims.

February 12, 2010, Reuters- Record Cold Grips Rome.

February 11, 2010, New York Times- Record Blizzards Blamed On Global Warming.

February 2, 2010, Not Apologize.

January 30, 2010, TimesOnline-Climate Chief Knew of Fraud.

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