Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On The Plate Today:  "House Niggers"

"House Niggers"-                                                                 A "house nigger"
That's what they call
us blacks-

The ten percent
of us free thinking souls,
not voting for Democrats. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

On The Plate Today:  "Put Ya'll Back In Chains"

Today, Vice President Biden told a crowd, including many black supporters, that Republicans were going to "...Put ya'll back in chains."

Heck - It's the Democrats who have been keeping millions of blacks in America in chains, in ignorance, and dependent on their handouts for decades.

Out of frustration over the state of most of my fellow black Americans who like this arrangement, I wrote this poem years ago:

Still On the Plantation

on the plantation,
and still in chains.

Still eating
from the master's hand.
Nothing's really changed.

on the plantation,
believing the lies.

You stand still
as the world progresses
right before your eyes.

Constance V. Walden

The Democrat Machine benefits from blacks, and everyone, being ignorant and dependent on them; And, the blacks who keep believing their lies and looking for handouts, keep enthusiastically giving them their votes in exchange.

It's a vicious cycle and a downright crying shame.

Friday, August 3, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Marriage Is a Covenant Relationship Between a Man and a Woman.

Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, a covenant designed by God, Himself. 

In the Bible, read Genesis 2:24 and also read what Jesus Christ said about marriage in Mark 10:1-9.  Both verses show that God clearly designed marriage to be a lifetime commitment between one man and one woman.

If a Christian compromises on this issue for political correctness sake, he or she has lost a test of faith.

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