Thursday, January 31, 2013

On The Plate Today: They Should All Be Fired

Everyone working in the federal government in Washington D.C. should be fired and sent home for what has been purposely done to the U.S. economy, and for the outright corruption and cronyism going on there.

Washington D.C. is a dark den filled with arrogant, self-seeking, greedy people without consciences saying, "Give me! Give me!", and taking sustenance from the middle-class and the poor to line their own pockets.

The amount of money being sucked in from the country and into Washington D.C. via taxes, and then squandered on the politicians themselves is criminal; and, on their mindless projects, scandalous.

They should be put in prison for their criminality, and the key thrown away.

As for those who vote them into office time and time again...SHAME!  They are deserving of their pain, but do I have to suffer, too?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

On The Plate Today:  The Mob Is In Control

Money laundering, extortion, and outright theft from the U.S. Treasury and from the pockets of the American people is what the mob of today is accomplishing behind the guise of the Democrat Party in the United States.

Maybe that is why Jimmy Hoffa, the long missing Kingpin of the Mob/Unions, "disappeared".  Maybe he had a bit of a conscience and disagreed with the deep incursions into politics that other bosses wanted, so they got rid of him.  That's just my guess.

Monday, January 14, 2013

On The Plate Today: Obama Is Super Scary

Barack H. Obama is the scariest President America has ever had.  He has Americans shaking in their boots.

Before their eyes, President Obama is disregarding the U.S. Constitution by issuing decrees that other national leaders are too scared to oppose. Americans shake in their boots every time Obama opens his mouth, saying, "What more will he do to us?"

Of course, not all American are shaking in their boots. Those who voted for him rejoice every time he takes action against fellow Americans they deem are deserving of punishment.

That a President of the United States would dedicate himself to punishing people by taking from them both their money and their rights, is scary indeed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

On The Plate Today: Baby Killers Rejoice!

Planned Parenthood gleefully reports an increase in the number of abortions recently.  Their industry is booming.  The garbage cans are being filled with tiny, bloody, mutilated bodies, and women who have had their unwanted child willfully ripped in pieces from their wombs are now free to go on unhindered with their lives.

Friday, January 4, 2013

On The Plate Today:  SHAMBLES

I said it before and say it again: President Obama will leave this country in shambles.

God, please help us all (even those who voted for him).
On The Plate Today:  This Is Not My Country (A Poem)

This Is Not My Country

This is not my country.
This is not my home.

My home is in Heaven
where righteousness is known.

The earthbound soul within me
longs and yearns to see,

That city and that home in Heaven
where Christ waits for me.

Constance V. Walden

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