On The Plate Today: The Freedom Stealers
Progressives, socialists, communists, liberals (God-Complexers, all), or whatever you want to call them, are rushing to steal as much freedom as possible from freedom loving people around the world (not just in the U.S.).
No matter where they are, they are working like rats to restrict, to regulate to death, and to chain those who fall under their dark and looming shadows.
Freedom comes from God, but, these people do not believe in God. They see themselves as gods.
They will do what they will do, and by any means.
I pray that God Himself stops them.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
On The Plate Today: They Should Be Proud...And They Are...
The most recent Gallup Poll reveals that this Democrat led lame duck Congress has the lowest approval rating ever. Click Gallup Poll to see.
As the Democrats in Congress continue to disregard the will of the majority of the American people, they are displaying their arrogance and their contempt for the American people and for the Constitution. This is who they are...and they're proud of it.
The most recent Gallup Poll reveals that this Democrat led lame duck Congress has the lowest approval rating ever. Click Gallup Poll to see.
As the Democrats in Congress continue to disregard the will of the majority of the American people, they are displaying their arrogance and their contempt for the American people and for the Constitution. This is who they are...and they're proud of it.
Friday, December 10, 2010
On The Plate Today: Global Warming Farce Continues Amidst Record Cold.
Read the article in "The Week" today.
I tell you, the willful blindness of these people is breathtaking.
Read the article in "The Week" today.
I tell you, the willful blindness of these people is breathtaking.
Friday, December 3, 2010
On The Plate Today: They Are Humans, Too...
The liberals say babes in the womb are not human beings. Here's proof that they certainly are...
Click and see this photo.
The liberals say babes in the womb are not human beings. Here's proof that they certainly are...
Click and see this photo.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
On The Plate Today: Robbery and Treason!
The Dems are wrecking havoc on purpose on this country's economy and wealth.
They are robbing the U.S. Treasury and distributing our money all over the world, while at the same time, demanding more money from wealthier Americans to fuel their socialist schemes.
America better wake up and see who these people really are.
The Dems are wrecking havoc on purpose on this country's economy and wealth.
They are robbing the U.S. Treasury and distributing our money all over the world, while at the same time, demanding more money from wealthier Americans to fuel their socialist schemes.
America better wake up and see who these people really are.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
On The Plate Today: Washington D.C. Is Corrupt Beyond Words.
To watch obvious wrong doing by government officials go unpunished time and time again, and laws being broken by the lawmakers themselves, is sickening and heartbreaking, and very sad.
Secure in their high positions, they mock justice and laugh at us, the taxpayers, as they carry on their lawlessness. They wink at their indiscretions, and tap the hands of those caught in acts of corruption.
Shame on them and shame on everyone who knowingly votes the corrupt into office.
America is falling for a very good reason.
To watch obvious wrong doing by government officials go unpunished time and time again, and laws being broken by the lawmakers themselves, is sickening and heartbreaking, and very sad.
Secure in their high positions, they mock justice and laugh at us, the taxpayers, as they carry on their lawlessness. They wink at their indiscretions, and tap the hands of those caught in acts of corruption.
Shame on them and shame on everyone who knowingly votes the corrupt into office.
America is falling for a very good reason.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
On The Plate Today: Wanting Something For Nothing, and Raging If You Don't Get It...
Progressive governments around the world train their people to expect financial benefits by doing nothing for it.
Total dependence on government handouts for education funds, housing, food, etc. This is socialism. When the money runs out for the dependent ones, they have temper tantrums and riot, and set things ablaze, to make everybody miserable.
You may see rioting happening in America as the money begins to run out for the pensions, public education, and every other scheme of the left.
See anarchists, i.e., socialists, i.e. progressives, i.e. communists, i.e. liberals... doing their special thing by clicking, Raging.
Progressive governments around the world train their people to expect financial benefits by doing nothing for it.
Total dependence on government handouts for education funds, housing, food, etc. This is socialism. When the money runs out for the dependent ones, they have temper tantrums and riot, and set things ablaze, to make everybody miserable.
You may see rioting happening in America as the money begins to run out for the pensions, public education, and every other scheme of the left.
See anarchists, i.e., socialists, i.e. progressives, i.e. communists, i.e. liberals... doing their special thing by clicking, Raging.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
On The Plate Today: No More Chains On Me!
So many black people in America are in line for liberal and/or progressive social programs.
To them, powerful government and it's programs mean more money in their pockets, and less in the pockets of the "rich". They don't understand that the more and more powerful government becomes, the less and less freedom we all have, whether we're rich or poor, or black or white.
Most black Americans don't see the loss of freedom as a threat for some strange reason. Handouts from government bureaucrats and empty promises hold their allegiance fast, to the point of habit.
I see the correlation between big government and the slave masters of old: Both breed dependency, a lack of confidence, and a lack of incentive among those who continuously feed from their hands.
"No more chains on me!" I'm shouting, "No more chains on me!" And only 5 % of black Americans will shout this with me.
So many black people in America are in line for liberal and/or progressive social programs.
To them, powerful government and it's programs mean more money in their pockets, and less in the pockets of the "rich". They don't understand that the more and more powerful government becomes, the less and less freedom we all have, whether we're rich or poor, or black or white.
Most black Americans don't see the loss of freedom as a threat for some strange reason. Handouts from government bureaucrats and empty promises hold their allegiance fast, to the point of habit.
I see the correlation between big government and the slave masters of old: Both breed dependency, a lack of confidence, and a lack of incentive among those who continuously feed from their hands.
"No more chains on me!" I'm shouting, "No more chains on me!" And only 5 % of black Americans will shout this with me.
Monday, October 4, 2010
The leftists are trying to interject race in as the reason for President Obama's troubles.
He's a socialist, and his policies are the reason for his troubles, not his race. He is purposely trying to destroy the wealth of the American people and to bring this nation down.
What kind of American would applaud him for that but another socialist?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
On The Plate Today: President Obama's Policies Are Killing America ...On Purpose
President Obama and Democrats (there is nothing Democratic about them. They are socialists.) are taxing and spending Americans into poverty. Increasing poverty in America is actually what these people want.
If you work hard and they consider you "rich", you are in trouble. You are their enemy and target. Class warfare is one of their tactics to isolate you. They don't like your success and wealth. They want everyone but themselves to be in need of assistance from them. Wake up, America.
They want less power for the people and more power for themselves. That's why they hate the Constitution. As our poverty increases and our rights decrease, their power increases in strength. They know this.
Wake up America! Know it, too.
President Obama and Democrats (there is nothing Democratic about them. They are socialists.) are taxing and spending Americans into poverty. Increasing poverty in America is actually what these people want.
If you work hard and they consider you "rich", you are in trouble. You are their enemy and target. Class warfare is one of their tactics to isolate you. They don't like your success and wealth. They want everyone but themselves to be in need of assistance from them. Wake up, America.
They want less power for the people and more power for themselves. That's why they hate the Constitution. As our poverty increases and our rights decrease, their power increases in strength. They know this.
Wake up America! Know it, too.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
On The Plate Today: Now It's "Global Climate Disruption".
Since their lies have been found out, the maniacs want us to start calling their obsession with the weather, "Global Climate Disruption" from now on.
Led by the White House (and I'll bet Al Gore's involved), they've come up with this new wording to put out there in their continuing effort to confuse and deceive the gullible.
Unfortunately, our children are their main targets. It's wicked.
Since their lies have been found out, the maniacs want us to start calling their obsession with the weather, "Global Climate Disruption" from now on.
Led by the White House (and I'll bet Al Gore's involved), they've come up with this new wording to put out there in their continuing effort to confuse and deceive the gullible.
Unfortunately, our children are their main targets. It's wicked.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
On The Plate Today: Who Threatens America's Freedom Today? Americans
Liberals and progressives, along with terrorism are equal dangers to America's freedoms today.
Progressives in the U.S. want to progress away from the U.S. Constitution. They see the Constitution as outdated and they want to progress to a world with one government. They want to take freedom away.
Conservatives in the U.S. know the Constitution allows for freedom, and want to conserve the rights of the people written there.
Half of Americans seem to be progressives today. This is very dangerous for the other half who want liberty. America continuing as a great and free nation is under threat from within, by Americans with a global agenda.
Liberals and progressives, along with terrorism are equal dangers to America's freedoms today.
Progressives in the U.S. want to progress away from the U.S. Constitution. They see the Constitution as outdated and they want to progress to a world with one government. They want to take freedom away.
Conservatives in the U.S. know the Constitution allows for freedom, and want to conserve the rights of the people written there.
Half of Americans seem to be progressives today. This is very dangerous for the other half who want liberty. America continuing as a great and free nation is under threat from within, by Americans with a global agenda.
Monday, September 13, 2010
On The Plate Today: Are Americans Tired of Freedom?
Americans seem to be rolling over and accepting the tyranny of the Obama Administration.
It seems freedom has run it's course in America, and now we want chains.
Slap on the chains, President Obama. Chains are what we want. We will accept your dictates and the weakening of our rights. You know what's best for us.
Americans seem to be rolling over and accepting the tyranny of the Obama Administration.
It seems freedom has run it's course in America, and now we want chains.
Slap on the chains, President Obama. Chains are what we want. We will accept your dictates and the weakening of our rights. You know what's best for us.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Because the murderers felt they were going to be rewarded in Heaven for their deeds, I wrote the following poem on September 14, 2001
Click 1 John 3:12-15 to see what scripture says about Cain and all murderers.
No Rest For Cain
No rest for Cain,
no blessings, no gain,
but hardship and pain
on the earth;
The same goes for others
who murder their brothers,
their lot won't get better,
but worse.
No place in Heaven
to Cain shall be given -
eternal life isn't for
The same goes for others
who murder their bothers,
life won't be rewarded
to them.
Constance V. Walden
Friday, September 10, 2010
On the Plate Today: Burning Bibles Is O.K., But Not The Quran.
It's alright to burn bibles around the world, but not the Quran, because the people who practice what is preached in the Quran will go into a violent rage, commit terrorists acts, and murder.
They burn bibles in a rage, they burn the American flag in a rage, they stone people to death in a rage, they behead people in a rage, they blow up people in a rage; And, in a rage, they flew planes full of people into buildings full of people (9/11 is tomorrow), and want to do it again.
Now, we hear threats of more violence from them if they do not get their way. They want build a mosque at ground zero where thousands of people were murdered in a fit rage. This will be a victory for the people full of rage.
Their state of constant rage has caused those around them to cower for fear of more violence and mayhem.
Give them what they want so that they will not fly into a rage, is the attitude of those around them.
Click HERE and read about Muslims burning bibles.
Raging on...
From where does their rage derive?
Click on Revelation, Chapter 12.
It's alright to burn bibles around the world, but not the Quran, because the people who practice what is preached in the Quran will go into a violent rage, commit terrorists acts, and murder.
They burn bibles in a rage, they burn the American flag in a rage, they stone people to death in a rage, they behead people in a rage, they blow up people in a rage; And, in a rage, they flew planes full of people into buildings full of people (9/11 is tomorrow), and want to do it again.
Now, we hear threats of more violence from them if they do not get their way. They want build a mosque at ground zero where thousands of people were murdered in a fit rage. This will be a victory for the people full of rage.
Their state of constant rage has caused those around them to cower for fear of more violence and mayhem.
Give them what they want so that they will not fly into a rage, is the attitude of those around them.
Click HERE and read about Muslims burning bibles.
Raging on...
From where does their rage derive?
Click on Revelation, Chapter 12.
Monday, August 30, 2010
On The Plate Today: Blaming Bush again, and again, and again...
President Obama blamed former President Bush again for the failing economy when he knows full well that his policies and that of the Democrat congress have fashioned what is going on in the economy today.
The buck stops with you now, Mr. President. The nearly ten percent unemployment rate is because of you and your government's policies, Mr. President. The deficit belongs to you, Mr. President.
You and the Democrats in congress have been in power long enough (the Democrats have been in control of Congress and the purse strings since 2007) to directly have an impact on things, so take responsibility, all of you.
President Obama blamed former President Bush again for the failing economy when he knows full well that his policies and that of the Democrat congress have fashioned what is going on in the economy today.
The buck stops with you now, Mr. President. The nearly ten percent unemployment rate is because of you and your government's policies, Mr. President. The deficit belongs to you, Mr. President.
You and the Democrats in congress have been in power long enough (the Democrats have been in control of Congress and the purse strings since 2007) to directly have an impact on things, so take responsibility, all of you.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
On the Plate Today: Democrats' Destructive Nature
The Democrat Party (there's nothing democratic about them), filled with Union and underworld influences, has done nothing good for America. They have purposely inflicted ruin and continuing decay on poor families in America, on America's educational system, on America's economy, and in America's courts.
Where they are in power, there is ruin and decay!
It's not hard to see who these people are; Yet, blindly, and out of habit, their loyal followers continue to vote for them in hopes for payback with money stolen from the pockets of others.
The Democrat Party (there's nothing democratic about them), filled with Union and underworld influences, has done nothing good for America. They have purposely inflicted ruin and continuing decay on poor families in America, on America's educational system, on America's economy, and in America's courts.
Where they are in power, there is ruin and decay!
It's not hard to see who these people are; Yet, blindly, and out of habit, their loyal followers continue to vote for them in hopes for payback with money stolen from the pockets of others.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm beginning to wonder if America's unraveling is the will of God. After all, America, like so many great cultures before her, has undergone such moral decay, how can God not but bring her greatness to an end?
Towards the end of the Roman Empire, the amount of corruption, perversion, and murders in that culture could no longer be tolerated by the Lord, and so, He brought it to an end.
For many year, I have watched the open corruption of Washington DC, and heard of the many rapes and murders of the innocent in America.
I don't believe God tolerates any longer the things that are going on in this country, and so, He is unraveling her before our very eyes.
Monday, August 2, 2010

An Arizona Sheriff has called the US Government the Enemy. I think I said that a few weeks ago first.
Read the August 2, 2010 article from CNSNews.com about the Sheriff's comments.
Read my earlier comments in the post dated July 15, 2010.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Americans had better wake up and see what the Democrats, lead by President Obama, are doing to the nation.
Freedom, day by day, is being stolen away by those now in power in Washington D.C.
The White House and Congress have become like the head of a wild beast turning back and savagely ripping at its own flesh. The enemy has become the government and the victims are the average citizens of America trying to survive and live free.
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here we go again. Despite it being found that a leading global warming person, Phil Jones, gave false data to promote global warming, the global warming crowd has reinstated him to high position. They have no integrity, and they think we have no brains. Read today's article in Telegraph.co.uk.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Expectations Are Met
Click on >Letter< to read my letter to the Editor of the Tacoma News Tribune about how my expectations for President Obama and his policies are being met.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The President, and liberals in general, must really think we're stupid. To try to use the Gulf oil spill disaster to promote climate change, which they and we know is a great lie, shows that they must really think we're stupid.

Corruption is present on both sides of the isle, but it heavily tilts to the left.
If one is found to be corrupt and is a Republican, he is exposed and forced out of the ranks. Not so with Democrats.
Corruption is now expected in the Democrat Party. That's how you get ahead. There is a Mob mentality in the Democrat Party. You wonder where the Chicago style mobs went that used to reign terror in the big cities of America? They've infiltrated the Democrat Party, they and their union thugs. The Mob has become the Democrat Party, so corruption is expected and rewarded; And, they now reign down terror through unjust legislation and smothering taxation.
I'm not saying the Republicans are saints and angels. They have their corrupted members as well, but, the Democrats have become a vast conglomeration of many bullying groups grabbing power and money from the left and right though extortion and blackmail. If only Americans could see that.
Americans have blinded their eyes to what the Democrat Party is about. They blindly vote for the "D" no matter what. I'm praying America begins to clearly see where the Mob now resides. I'm praying America opens her eyes and recognizes the corruption that is destroying our way of life.
Friday, May 28, 2010

A crime took place when an offer of a White House job was given to Democrat Rep. Sestak in exchange for not running for the Senate. This job offer was made by someone in the White House. At this present time, folks in the White House, including President Obama, are scrambling to defer blame and make it look like no crime happened. Former President Clinton is involved.
Sadly, the Justice Department will close its eyes to what is happening, and so, corruption will prevail.
Read the Washington Post about this matter by clicking >Here<.
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mexico vigorously protects its own borders from illegal immigration by various means, so, why can't Arizona and the United States protect its borders in the same way, Mr. President Obama and you liberals?
Liberalism and political correctness, both diseases of the mind, have effectively disarmed America of any common sense. As a result, she is losing her identity and her territorial rights as a great nation, and Obama and the liberals want it that way.
Watch the video of the Democrats in Congress reacting to the speech given today by the Mexican President Calderon before Congress. In his speech, Mr. Calderon condemns Arizona's immigration policy and the Dems give him a standing ovation. Watch the shameful spectacle by clicking Here to view.
Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm about to mix religion and politics on one plate.
Those who want to impose big government, centralized control, heavy regulations, and choking tyranny on others drive their agenda to achieve this with lies, hoaxes, deceit, and bribery.
These very same people will be the ones who will welcome, embrace, and ultimately be subjected to a tyranny of unimaginable strength and scope.
A political/religious figure will capture their love and devotion by means of his own lies, hoaxes, deceit, and bribery. His followers will not realize who he is until its too late. Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12 and Revelation 13:11-18 when you get a chance.
Sunday, April 18, 2010

President Barack Obama wants all Americans dependent on government handouts in some way or other. This is extremely sad.
Over many decades, black people in the United States, and the word, "welfare", have become sadly linked. Healthy, able-bodied Americans, black or white, being dependent on welfare is no badge of honor, just like being dependent on a powerful slave master was not a badge of honor for early American blacks.
To me, it is a crying shame, and ironic, that the first black President of the United States wants to enslave this entire nation in this way.
If only America would turn back to God, then maybe continuing freedom would be her reward.
Friday, April 9, 2010

Anyone who makes themselves an enemy to the nation of Israel, is an enemy of God.
Israel has been God's plumb line throughout history. Though Satan, through the hand of man, has tried several times to completely wipe Jews and the Jewish nation off the face of the earth, God has always been her Protector.
President Obama has gone out of his way to degrade and demoralize Israel more than any other American President. It is absolutely shameful what President Obama is doing to the only true friend America has in the Middle East.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

the Pit!
I usually restrict my comments here to politics, but today, I feel the urgent need to change the subject to the hideous and murderous acts of terrorism that are going on in the world.
Like most of humanity, I am deeply disturbed and saddened by the terrorist acts being done by some who practice the Islamic religion. Blowing innocent people up and thinking you will be rewarded by God with sexual pleasures in Paradise for doing so, is beyond perverse.
Ezekiel, the prophet of God, states in Ezekiel 32: 17-32 several times that those who commit terror in the land of the living will go down to the pit. Paradise will not be their reward, but the well-deserved pit.
In their murders, they will not triumph.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Turn back to God, America, before it's too late!
The people who have captured the nation in the last election are seeking your decline.
God will help them if you don't turn back.
I have been praying for America to turn back to God for years. Visit my blog, "Prayer Mount Diary" to read my most recent prayers for America.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Here is an audio cut of senior Democrat Congressman John Dingell blowing the lid on the goal of the socialist god-complexers. Click Breitbart TV.
It is not America any more if the government seeks to "control" the people, and the people accept the tyranny. Be afraid, America. Be very afraid.
Read my past comments on the God-Complex of the Left.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Democrat Party (not "Democratic", since they are not democratic but socialist) has demonstrated they are not really for the "little guy", but are for large, powerful, corrupt, unions and for far left-wing special interest groups. A large, powerful, all-controlling, corrupt government is also what they are for. A government that does what is in it's own interests, not in the interests of the average American citizen and taxpayer.
I have not voted for a Democrat since 1976 because I saw what they were about early on, and it is not good for America.
What the Democrat Party wants to do to this country, and is doing to this country is dangerous to freedom. America better wake up or she'll find herself like Cuba.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

All Progressives (Liberals, god-complexers, socialists, communists), not just President Obama, are endangering the freedoms we Americans now enjoy.
I suspect that very soon, everything that refers to freedom and liberty... the Constitution, every patriotic song, the Pledge of Allegiance, every symbol of freedom, and even the Fourth of July will have to be scrapped because they will no longer apply to the the conditions Progressives will have caused within this country if they get their way.
(See the side panel Archive of Past Comments to read remarks made by me before this post.)
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