Tuesday, May 15, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Obama and Biden Are Millionaires

Democrat leaders like to pretend they are on the same financial level as middle class and poorer Americans, when in reality, many Democrat leaders, especially in Congress are millionaires; and, Hollywood is full of very rich Democrats.

Do you know there are more millionaire Democrats in Congress than there are Republican millionaires? 

Why don't they give their money to the poor?  President Obama has ten million dollars (Read USAToday/The Oval 5/15/12).  Why doesn't he share some of his millions with the poor he claims to relate to?  Vice President Biden has millions as well, yet today, he gave a speech depicting himself as not wealthy at all and in the same boat as the average Joe.

Since the Democrats have had control of the Presidency and Senate for nearly four years, the rest of us real average Joe Americans just keep getting poorer and poorer (as a matter of fact, every time Democrats get control of the country, poverty increases, and with increased poverty comes increased power for them).  Notice that?

The politics of envy.  Anybody can play that game.

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