Sunday, July 1, 2012

On The Plate Today:   TAX 'UM!  TAX 'UM HIGH!

The Supreme Court found Obama Care to be invalid (unconstitutional) under the Commerce Clause, but upheld it as a enormous tax on all of the citizens of the United States.

The fact is, Obama's lawyers argued before the Supreme Court that it was a tax. Click View it.

Thanks Democrat Congress of 2009 and thanks President Obama. You've served us up quite a plate.

You tried to hide your monster under the Commerce Clause to keep it from being seen for what it is, a enormous tax that none of us can afford.

When the decision came down from the Court that as a tax, Obama Care was constitutional,  President Obama, who claimed that it was not a tax, immediately came before the cameras and congratulated the Court on it's wise decision. He had won a great victory to tax the American people into oblivion in order to feed his horrific monster.

In the June 28, 2012 Business Insider, Brett LoGiurato wrote:

"While (Justice Ruth) Ginsburg was a part of the majority opinion, she had differing reasons as to why the mandate was constitutional. The rest of the justices found that under the Commerce Clause, the mandate requiring all U.S. citizens to buy health insurance was not valid. They upheld it as a tax." - making it constitutional.

Duh, wait a minute.  Didn't Mr. Obama promise not to raise taxes on the middle class?  Didn't he repeatedly say that the bill was not a tax?  Why did he then congratulate the Court for finding it was a tax after all?

Lies, perfect lies.

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