Monday, October 29, 2012

On The Plate Today: Mass Murder in Chicagoland

CBS Chicago reports the 436th murder victim thus far this year in Chicago. It's a bloody war zone and a bloody shame.  Mostly blacks killing blacks, bringing their own selves to extinction.

Friday, October 26, 2012

On The Plate Today: Do Not Hate Obama

As a Christian, I must not hate anyone. I am free, however, to hate what a person is doing.

I hate what President Obama is doing.  I hate that he supports abortion, even partial birth abortion, and even the killing of a baby outside of the womb who has survived abortion.

I hate the fact that President Obama is dividing Americans by envy because of class.

I hate the fact that President Obama openly lies and that so many people, knowing they're being lied to, eat it up.  It's shameful.

I hate that President Obama disregards marriage as being between a man and woman. I hate that he despises God's word so much in doing so.

I don't hate President Obama, nor do I want to see any harm done to him or his family. I hate his policies, however, with a passion.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Obama's Poor Judgement

When President Obama chose Mr. Joe Biden to be his Vice President, it was a hint as to the lack of wise judgement and forethought of Mr. Obama.
On The Plate Today: Obama Supporters Want to Murder Romney, Saying So Openly

This is who they are, folks.  They are boldly, loudly, and publicly proclaiming their desire to murder the man who wants to defeat President Obama in the upcoming November Presidential election.

Read Secret Service Is Aware of Threats.
Read Their Threats to Riot and Murder Continue.

Friday, October 19, 2012

On The Plate Today:  We've Been Robbed!

President Obama took taxpayer money and gave it to "Green Energy" companies which, despite receiving the money, failed.  Click, "FAILED" to see the list of companies, and the amount of stimulus money taken.

This fiasco is far, far greater then the Enron scandal because it's been done in cahoots with - in partnership with - the government.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

On The Plate Today: The Lynching of Stacey Dash 

There is no room in the black community for diversity of opinion.

Every black American MUST stay tucked underneath the armpit of the Democrat Party or face vicious verbal attacks and/or death threats such as that experienced by brave actress Stacey Dash on Twitter today.

For daring to "make a run for it" from communal thought by endorsing Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, Stacey is being lambasted with profanity, and racial and sexual slurs by fellow blacks.  She is being lynched on Twitter for daring to stray from the binding fold.

Run Stacey, run. Exercise your freedom, woman! 

Read The Blaze about Stacey Dash.

To see the Oct 9, 2012 Follow-up Comments by Stacey Dash, click, Real Clear Politics.

Friday, October 5, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Ashamed of Obama's Lies

I am so ashamed of the outright lies that pour from the mouth of President Obama;

And, those people who eat up his lies like they are candy, even though they know they are untruths...SHAME!!
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