Friday, October 26, 2012

On The Plate Today: Do Not Hate Obama

As a Christian, I must not hate anyone. I am free, however, to hate what a person is doing.

I hate what President Obama is doing.  I hate that he supports abortion, even partial birth abortion, and even the killing of a baby outside of the womb who has survived abortion.

I hate the fact that President Obama is dividing Americans by envy because of class.

I hate the fact that President Obama openly lies and that so many people, knowing they're being lied to, eat it up.  It's shameful.

I hate that President Obama disregards marriage as being between a man and woman. I hate that he despises God's word so much in doing so.

I don't hate President Obama, nor do I want to see any harm done to him or his family. I hate his policies, however, with a passion.

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