Friday, November 30, 2012

On The Plate Today: The Death of a Great Nation

At this very moment, the world is seeing the death of a great nation.  America is on her deathbed, declining in all vital areas day by day because she has turned away from God, and has put her trust in man.

...But, there are still a few of us in America, just a few, who will stand firm and hold on tight to God and His principles.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Pharaoh Morsi

President Morsi of Egypt was bold enough to grant himself such sweeping powers that he is being called, "Pharaoh" by his distraught people.

President Obama is not up in arms about this development because secretly, he wishes he can do the same thing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On The Plate Today: Terrorists Got Obama and Clinton's Blessings

When the regional uprising began in the Middle East months ago, moderate Muslim leaders in the region were deposed and the radical Muslim Brotherhood rose to power, with President Obama and Hillary Clinton's blessings. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood got the blessing of the Obama Administration.  The same thing happened in Libya.

Now,  Egypt is helping to arm Hamas who is now terrorizing Israel.

Obama and Clinton knew the Muslim Brotherhood around the region would increase the likelihood of war and terrorism on Israel. Why did they then bless their rise to power? Obama's cover for blessing them was that "Democracy" was on display.

Why does Obama tend to cover for terrorists? Why did the Obama Administration deny that the Libyan killings of four Americans in Benghazi was a terror attack?   Why was the wounding and killing of many U.S. soldiers at an American military base in the U.S. by a man yelling jihadist slogans not considered a terror attack by the Obama Administration?

This current Middle East conflict began shortly after Obama's re-election and is happening because President Obama has signaled to the terrorists that he sides with their cause.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On The Plate Today:  We'll Get Poorer and Poorer

The truth is, whenever and wherever Democrats are in power in the U.S. the people, across all classes, become poorer and poorer both morally and economically.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Jerusalem Is The Capitol of Israel

Those who love the lie, will tell you otherwise.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Israel Must Defend Herself

I don't get it.  The Palestinians can bombard Israel with their devices of war, but if Israel shoots back, the Palestinians run crying to the U.N. that Israel must be stopped.

What, Israel can't defend herself and must stand there and take a beating?

Israel MUST defend herself from her Satan driven enemies. The U.N., that lopsided, corrupt den of anti-Semites have no right to tell Israel otherwise.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On The Plate Today: DESTROY!

Socialists want world economies to fall down in order to bring about their one currency scheme.  Economic turmoil is their common plan.  They have to destroy in order to remake. The John Lennon song,  "Imagine" is their anthem.

On The Plate Today:  There Truly Is An Empty Chair

President Obama knew nothing about "Fast and Furious", the gun walking operation run by his Justice Department that led to the death of many...

President Obama was not aware of what really occurred in Benghazi, where four American citizens, including a U.S. Ambassador were murdered by terrorists...

President Obama knew nothing about CIA Director, Petraeus's extramarital affair and the potential damage to national security...

So, just what does Obama know?  He KNOWS HOW to raise taxes on the American people to the point of economic ruin for millions.
On The Plate Today:  Petitions To Secede From the U.S. Abound

The Washington Times reports petitions to secede from the U.S. after Obama's re-election surges.

Update: Also read The Daily Caller 11/14/12.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Start Home Schooling Your Kids, America

The public schools have become no more than socialist indoctrination centers and tools for the Democrat Party and the Unions.  If you can, and if the Lord wills,  take your children out the these mind poisoning centers, and start teaching them morality and the truth at home. This is the only way freedom can survive in America.

Monday, November 12, 2012

On The Plate Today:  The Right and the Left

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2 (New International Version)

Friday, November 9, 2012

2012 County by County Presidential Election Results

The red went for Romney - The blue went for Obama

Obama does not have a clear mandate to act as a dictator-in-Chief for the next fifty months without having won over fifty percent of the vote.
On The Plate Today: Obama Did Not Get Over 50% of the Vote

The Presidential election of November 6, 2012 shows that 50% of the voters voted to re-elect Obama.  48% voted for Mitt Romney, and 2% voted for someone else.

Politically, America is divided almost perfectly in half with those for tyranny on one side and those for freedom on the other.

Jesus said it best in Mark 3:24, "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."
On The Plate Today: Why Did Romney Lose? 

As the campaign wore on, Mitt Romney hinted at a willingness to compromise with the devil in order to win the votes of moderates.

When he did this, those of us on the right began to wonder if he was really a RINO.

Many conservatives decided to not vote at all then to vote for a RINO. It would be better to put up with four more years of Obama, and then be done with him (he can't run again).

Thursday, November 8, 2012

On The Plate: Lay It All On Obama's Shoulders

ObamaCare, tax increases on the middle class, the faltering economy, high unemployment, the Iranian threat, the continuing threat of terrorism, Afghanistan, the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and it's clean-up, etc -

President Obama now has four more years to "fix it", or make it worse. No more blaming George W. Bush; And now, Romney won't have to clean up the mess. Obama owns it all.

No need for the blacks and liberals to riot and march in anger for the next four years, right? They'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Oh, The Agony!

I am in despair. I have a heavy heart, and there is the cloud over me today as I realize President Obama has been re-elected to take us through another four agonizing years of chaos and socialism.

I remember feeling the exact same sense of doom when President Clinton was first elected, and again when he was re-elected in the 90's. The despair and the agony was great then, too!

America wants to go down the path of tyranny. Freedom, she has tossed away.

While others will rely more and more on human governments, the result of this election will require the increase of my reliance on Jesus Christ, my Eternal King.  That's the only good thing that comes out this election for me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On The Plate Today: Turn To God, Not To Government

People everywhere should lift their eyes to Heaven, bow down to God, acknowledge Him, and ask for His mercy instead of keeping the vertical view of things by relying on the governments of man to fix everything.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

On The Plate Today: Rioting by the Obamanites is Threatened, Again

Here we go.  The mobs on the left are already threatening to rage and riot if their man, President Obama, is not re-elected.

This is not surprising since the left always resorts to the lowest common denominator, and they tend to be more lawless, too.

Read also: More Threats.

Friday, November 2, 2012

On The Plate Today: America is in TROUBLE because she now trusts more in government than in God.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Mourning for all who died during Hurricane Sandy.
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