Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On The Plate Today: Terrorists Got Obama and Clinton's Blessings

When the regional uprising began in the Middle East months ago, moderate Muslim leaders in the region were deposed and the radical Muslim Brotherhood rose to power, with President Obama and Hillary Clinton's blessings. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood got the blessing of the Obama Administration.  The same thing happened in Libya.

Now,  Egypt is helping to arm Hamas who is now terrorizing Israel.

Obama and Clinton knew the Muslim Brotherhood around the region would increase the likelihood of war and terrorism on Israel. Why did they then bless their rise to power? Obama's cover for blessing them was that "Democracy" was on display.

Why does Obama tend to cover for terrorists? Why did the Obama Administration deny that the Libyan killings of four Americans in Benghazi was a terror attack?   Why was the wounding and killing of many U.S. soldiers at an American military base in the U.S. by a man yelling jihadist slogans not considered a terror attack by the Obama Administration?

This current Middle East conflict began shortly after Obama's re-election and is happening because President Obama has signaled to the terrorists that he sides with their cause.

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