Monday, December 31, 2012

On The Plate Today: Liberals Punish the Innocent For the Crimes of the Guilty

Democrats/Liberal/Progressives - whatever they call themselves - consistently make up laws that punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. Liberals even blame the innocent as somehow being responsible for a bad person's crimes. When bad people kill, then everyone must  have their freedoms curtailed. This is the liberal way.

In public schools, if bullying occurs by a few, or even by one, the entire student population must be trained against bullying, and must suffer freedom reductions to try to make sure it does not happen again.

Blanket punishment for all, even for those far removed, is the liberal idea of fairness

Friday, December 28, 2012

On The Plate Today:  500 Murders in Chicago in 2012

This morning on television, I saw the Reverend Jesse Jackson, an icon in the black community in America, and a powerful leader in Chicago blaming the 500 murders in Chicago this year on forces bringing guns in from out of state.

The Reverend Jackson, who preaches the religion of liberalism, failed to mention once that people who don't know Jesus Christ are the ones doing the killing.  Mr. Jackson fails to mention the need for Jesus Christ in the lives of people in Chicago and elsewhere in America.

Reverend Jesse Jackson (and Al Sharpton, too, for that matter),  fail to mention the word, "sin" and fail to preach Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection time and time again when they have had the opportunity to do so on national television.

It's all about politics to them, and not about personal responsibility and repentance. Shame.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Problem Is the Heart of Man

The problem's not
the gun in hand,

The problem is
the heart of man.

The heart that says,
"There is no God;

And, so on life,
my feet will trod."

The heart that has
rejected Christ

Will take another
person's life.

The problem is
the heart of man,

And, not the weapon
in his hand.

Constance V. Walden
On The Plate Today: Murders Are Done By Any Means

A few days ago, a football player in a national league team shot and killed his girlfriend and then himself.

As usual, the liberals are using the tragedy to condemn gun ownership; and as usual, they are blaming others for this man's violence. They are even going as far as to blame others for the gun violence in the entire black community, saying its a conspiracy by the National Rifle Association.

The truth is, if the weapon were not a gun, it would have been a knife; If it weren't a knife, it would have been a bat; If it weren't a bat, it would have been a chair; If it weren't a chair, he would have used his own bare hands.

The problem is not the weapon used to do harm to others and self, the problems is deeply spiritual. It's an individual heart problem.  It's because of the lack of Christ; the lack of love, and the lack of self-control that such murders occur by individuals. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

On The Plate Today: Benefits Addiction

The government's mission is to get as many people as possible receiving government benefits to increase dependency on government.

It's like providing heroine a little bit at a time until the user can no longer live without it, and will do anything to keep getting it. It's not merciful. It's insidious intent.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On The Plate Today:  There Should Be Freedom...From Unions

No one should be forced to join an organization (a union or anything else) in order to work and survive.  It is downright evil to force people to give up their wages for causes and political parties they do not agree with.

Why would any "free" American oppose the right of another American to pursue happiness without having to pay dues to some middleman organization? It's downright un-American.

The mob of the old days has morphed into the unions, with their extortion habits, and is also now a huge part of the Democrat Party. A lot of people are now recognizing that fact.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

On The Plate Today: America Deserves Obama

It's been a long time coming.  America deserves to have all of her wealth and freedom taken away because of her gross immoralities.

Many have been praying for America to turn around and return to God by honoring Him again (I have), but to no avail. America instead continues to spits in His face by the deeds she does.

America has fallen, and Obama has been appointed to make her fall hard.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On The Plate Today:  The "Fiscal Cliff" Sham

Wake up and face it, it is the Democrats/liberals/socialists who got us into this mess with their wild, unabated spending to make people dependent on them.  Now, they want small businesses to pay more money to them in taxes so they can feed that money to their supporters and to also line their own pockets.

It's the workers feeding the non-workers, and the non-workers giving their votes to the Democrats who will given them the worker's hard earned income in return.  It's a vicious and unjust cycle.  It does not work in Europe, and it does not work in any state of the U.S. held in bondage by Democrats. Look at California and every other state run by Democrats.  Ruin and hopelessness is found in them more than in other states.

Now, Obama want to make this nationwide, and with every class and group...but, mostly with the working and successful.

Monday, December 3, 2012

On The Plate Today: The Master on the Hill.

Unfortunately, most black Americans continue to believe the lie of the Democrat Party that Republicans want to put them back in chains.

The truth is, it was the Republicans who helped get blacks out of chains. Remember President Abraham Lincoln (at the right)?  He was a Republican who led the North in the Civil War against the South to free the slaves and to keep America as one nation.

By the way, do you know that the Klu Klux Klan was founded in the Democratic Party? Yes, those were Democrats under those sheets. Do you know that the late Democrat Senator, Robert Bird, was a former high ranking KKK member?

It is the Democrat Party that wants to keep blacks and everyone else in slavery and dependent in some way or another.  They own the schools, thus assuring their liberal ideology, and big government propaganda continues to spread in their captives' minds.

Despite knowing all of this, most black Americans want to remain devoted to the Party that will feed them and give them free stuff; thus, keeping themselves enslaved to the master on the hill.
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