Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On The Plate Today:  The "Fiscal Cliff" Sham

Wake up and face it, it is the Democrats/liberals/socialists who got us into this mess with their wild, unabated spending to make people dependent on them.  Now, they want small businesses to pay more money to them in taxes so they can feed that money to their supporters and to also line their own pockets.

It's the workers feeding the non-workers, and the non-workers giving their votes to the Democrats who will given them the worker's hard earned income in return.  It's a vicious and unjust cycle.  It does not work in Europe, and it does not work in any state of the U.S. held in bondage by Democrats. Look at California and every other state run by Democrats.  Ruin and hopelessness is found in them more than in other states.

Now, Obama want to make this nationwide, and with every class and group...but, mostly with the working and successful.

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