Monday, December 31, 2012

On The Plate Today: Liberals Punish the Innocent For the Crimes of the Guilty

Democrats/Liberal/Progressives - whatever they call themselves - consistently make up laws that punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. Liberals even blame the innocent as somehow being responsible for a bad person's crimes. When bad people kill, then everyone must  have their freedoms curtailed. This is the liberal way.

In public schools, if bullying occurs by a few, or even by one, the entire student population must be trained against bullying, and must suffer freedom reductions to try to make sure it does not happen again.

Blanket punishment for all, even for those far removed, is the liberal idea of fairness

Friday, December 28, 2012

On The Plate Today:  500 Murders in Chicago in 2012

This morning on television, I saw the Reverend Jesse Jackson, an icon in the black community in America, and a powerful leader in Chicago blaming the 500 murders in Chicago this year on forces bringing guns in from out of state.

The Reverend Jackson, who preaches the religion of liberalism, failed to mention once that people who don't know Jesus Christ are the ones doing the killing.  Mr. Jackson fails to mention the need for Jesus Christ in the lives of people in Chicago and elsewhere in America.

Reverend Jesse Jackson (and Al Sharpton, too, for that matter),  fail to mention the word, "sin" and fail to preach Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection time and time again when they have had the opportunity to do so on national television.

It's all about politics to them, and not about personal responsibility and repentance. Shame.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Problem Is the Heart of Man

The problem's not
the gun in hand,

The problem is
the heart of man.

The heart that says,
"There is no God;

And, so on life,
my feet will trod."

The heart that has
rejected Christ

Will take another
person's life.

The problem is
the heart of man,

And, not the weapon
in his hand.

Constance V. Walden
On The Plate Today: Murders Are Done By Any Means

A few days ago, a football player in a national league team shot and killed his girlfriend and then himself.

As usual, the liberals are using the tragedy to condemn gun ownership; and as usual, they are blaming others for this man's violence. They are even going as far as to blame others for the gun violence in the entire black community, saying its a conspiracy by the National Rifle Association.

The truth is, if the weapon were not a gun, it would have been a knife; If it weren't a knife, it would have been a bat; If it weren't a bat, it would have been a chair; If it weren't a chair, he would have used his own bare hands.

The problem is not the weapon used to do harm to others and self, the problems is deeply spiritual. It's an individual heart problem.  It's because of the lack of Christ; the lack of love, and the lack of self-control that such murders occur by individuals. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

On The Plate Today: Benefits Addiction

The government's mission is to get as many people as possible receiving government benefits to increase dependency on government.

It's like providing heroine a little bit at a time until the user can no longer live without it, and will do anything to keep getting it. It's not merciful. It's insidious intent.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On The Plate Today:  There Should Be Freedom...From Unions

No one should be forced to join an organization (a union or anything else) in order to work and survive.  It is downright evil to force people to give up their wages for causes and political parties they do not agree with.

Why would any "free" American oppose the right of another American to pursue happiness without having to pay dues to some middleman organization? It's downright un-American.

The mob of the old days has morphed into the unions, with their extortion habits, and is also now a huge part of the Democrat Party. A lot of people are now recognizing that fact.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

On The Plate Today: America Deserves Obama

It's been a long time coming.  America deserves to have all of her wealth and freedom taken away because of her gross immoralities.

Many have been praying for America to turn around and return to God by honoring Him again (I have), but to no avail. America instead continues to spits in His face by the deeds she does.

America has fallen, and Obama has been appointed to make her fall hard.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On The Plate Today:  The "Fiscal Cliff" Sham

Wake up and face it, it is the Democrats/liberals/socialists who got us into this mess with their wild, unabated spending to make people dependent on them.  Now, they want small businesses to pay more money to them in taxes so they can feed that money to their supporters and to also line their own pockets.

It's the workers feeding the non-workers, and the non-workers giving their votes to the Democrats who will given them the worker's hard earned income in return.  It's a vicious and unjust cycle.  It does not work in Europe, and it does not work in any state of the U.S. held in bondage by Democrats. Look at California and every other state run by Democrats.  Ruin and hopelessness is found in them more than in other states.

Now, Obama want to make this nationwide, and with every class and group...but, mostly with the working and successful.

Monday, December 3, 2012

On The Plate Today: The Master on the Hill.

Unfortunately, most black Americans continue to believe the lie of the Democrat Party that Republicans want to put them back in chains.

The truth is, it was the Republicans who helped get blacks out of chains. Remember President Abraham Lincoln (at the right)?  He was a Republican who led the North in the Civil War against the South to free the slaves and to keep America as one nation.

By the way, do you know that the Klu Klux Klan was founded in the Democratic Party? Yes, those were Democrats under those sheets. Do you know that the late Democrat Senator, Robert Bird, was a former high ranking KKK member?

It is the Democrat Party that wants to keep blacks and everyone else in slavery and dependent in some way or another.  They own the schools, thus assuring their liberal ideology, and big government propaganda continues to spread in their captives' minds.

Despite knowing all of this, most black Americans want to remain devoted to the Party that will feed them and give them free stuff; thus, keeping themselves enslaved to the master on the hill.

Friday, November 30, 2012

On The Plate Today: The Death of a Great Nation

At this very moment, the world is seeing the death of a great nation.  America is on her deathbed, declining in all vital areas day by day because she has turned away from God, and has put her trust in man.

...But, there are still a few of us in America, just a few, who will stand firm and hold on tight to God and His principles.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Pharaoh Morsi

President Morsi of Egypt was bold enough to grant himself such sweeping powers that he is being called, "Pharaoh" by his distraught people.

President Obama is not up in arms about this development because secretly, he wishes he can do the same thing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On The Plate Today: Terrorists Got Obama and Clinton's Blessings

When the regional uprising began in the Middle East months ago, moderate Muslim leaders in the region were deposed and the radical Muslim Brotherhood rose to power, with President Obama and Hillary Clinton's blessings. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood got the blessing of the Obama Administration.  The same thing happened in Libya.

Now,  Egypt is helping to arm Hamas who is now terrorizing Israel.

Obama and Clinton knew the Muslim Brotherhood around the region would increase the likelihood of war and terrorism on Israel. Why did they then bless their rise to power? Obama's cover for blessing them was that "Democracy" was on display.

Why does Obama tend to cover for terrorists? Why did the Obama Administration deny that the Libyan killings of four Americans in Benghazi was a terror attack?   Why was the wounding and killing of many U.S. soldiers at an American military base in the U.S. by a man yelling jihadist slogans not considered a terror attack by the Obama Administration?

This current Middle East conflict began shortly after Obama's re-election and is happening because President Obama has signaled to the terrorists that he sides with their cause.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On The Plate Today:  We'll Get Poorer and Poorer

The truth is, whenever and wherever Democrats are in power in the U.S. the people, across all classes, become poorer and poorer both morally and economically.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Jerusalem Is The Capitol of Israel

Those who love the lie, will tell you otherwise.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Israel Must Defend Herself

I don't get it.  The Palestinians can bombard Israel with their devices of war, but if Israel shoots back, the Palestinians run crying to the U.N. that Israel must be stopped.

What, Israel can't defend herself and must stand there and take a beating?

Israel MUST defend herself from her Satan driven enemies. The U.N., that lopsided, corrupt den of anti-Semites have no right to tell Israel otherwise.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On The Plate Today: DESTROY!

Socialists want world economies to fall down in order to bring about their one currency scheme.  Economic turmoil is their common plan.  They have to destroy in order to remake. The John Lennon song,  "Imagine" is their anthem.

On The Plate Today:  There Truly Is An Empty Chair

President Obama knew nothing about "Fast and Furious", the gun walking operation run by his Justice Department that led to the death of many...

President Obama was not aware of what really occurred in Benghazi, where four American citizens, including a U.S. Ambassador were murdered by terrorists...

President Obama knew nothing about CIA Director, Petraeus's extramarital affair and the potential damage to national security...

So, just what does Obama know?  He KNOWS HOW to raise taxes on the American people to the point of economic ruin for millions.
On The Plate Today:  Petitions To Secede From the U.S. Abound

The Washington Times reports petitions to secede from the U.S. after Obama's re-election surges.

Update: Also read The Daily Caller 11/14/12.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Start Home Schooling Your Kids, America

The public schools have become no more than socialist indoctrination centers and tools for the Democrat Party and the Unions.  If you can, and if the Lord wills,  take your children out the these mind poisoning centers, and start teaching them morality and the truth at home. This is the only way freedom can survive in America.

Monday, November 12, 2012

On The Plate Today:  The Right and the Left

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2 (New International Version)

Friday, November 9, 2012

2012 County by County Presidential Election Results

The red went for Romney - The blue went for Obama

Obama does not have a clear mandate to act as a dictator-in-Chief for the next fifty months without having won over fifty percent of the vote.
On The Plate Today: Obama Did Not Get Over 50% of the Vote

The Presidential election of November 6, 2012 shows that 50% of the voters voted to re-elect Obama.  48% voted for Mitt Romney, and 2% voted for someone else.

Politically, America is divided almost perfectly in half with those for tyranny on one side and those for freedom on the other.

Jesus said it best in Mark 3:24, "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."
On The Plate Today: Why Did Romney Lose? 

As the campaign wore on, Mitt Romney hinted at a willingness to compromise with the devil in order to win the votes of moderates.

When he did this, those of us on the right began to wonder if he was really a RINO.

Many conservatives decided to not vote at all then to vote for a RINO. It would be better to put up with four more years of Obama, and then be done with him (he can't run again).

Thursday, November 8, 2012

On The Plate: Lay It All On Obama's Shoulders

ObamaCare, tax increases on the middle class, the faltering economy, high unemployment, the Iranian threat, the continuing threat of terrorism, Afghanistan, the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and it's clean-up, etc -

President Obama now has four more years to "fix it", or make it worse. No more blaming George W. Bush; And now, Romney won't have to clean up the mess. Obama owns it all.

No need for the blacks and liberals to riot and march in anger for the next four years, right? They'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Oh, The Agony!

I am in despair. I have a heavy heart, and there is the cloud over me today as I realize President Obama has been re-elected to take us through another four agonizing years of chaos and socialism.

I remember feeling the exact same sense of doom when President Clinton was first elected, and again when he was re-elected in the 90's. The despair and the agony was great then, too!

America wants to go down the path of tyranny. Freedom, she has tossed away.

While others will rely more and more on human governments, the result of this election will require the increase of my reliance on Jesus Christ, my Eternal King.  That's the only good thing that comes out this election for me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On The Plate Today: Turn To God, Not To Government

People everywhere should lift their eyes to Heaven, bow down to God, acknowledge Him, and ask for His mercy instead of keeping the vertical view of things by relying on the governments of man to fix everything.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

On The Plate Today: Rioting by the Obamanites is Threatened, Again

Here we go.  The mobs on the left are already threatening to rage and riot if their man, President Obama, is not re-elected.

This is not surprising since the left always resorts to the lowest common denominator, and they tend to be more lawless, too.

Read also: More Threats.

Friday, November 2, 2012

On The Plate Today: America is in TROUBLE because she now trusts more in government than in God.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Mourning for all who died during Hurricane Sandy.

Monday, October 29, 2012

On The Plate Today: Mass Murder in Chicagoland

CBS Chicago reports the 436th murder victim thus far this year in Chicago. It's a bloody war zone and a bloody shame.  Mostly blacks killing blacks, bringing their own selves to extinction.

Friday, October 26, 2012

On The Plate Today: Do Not Hate Obama

As a Christian, I must not hate anyone. I am free, however, to hate what a person is doing.

I hate what President Obama is doing.  I hate that he supports abortion, even partial birth abortion, and even the killing of a baby outside of the womb who has survived abortion.

I hate the fact that President Obama is dividing Americans by envy because of class.

I hate the fact that President Obama openly lies and that so many people, knowing they're being lied to, eat it up.  It's shameful.

I hate that President Obama disregards marriage as being between a man and woman. I hate that he despises God's word so much in doing so.

I don't hate President Obama, nor do I want to see any harm done to him or his family. I hate his policies, however, with a passion.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Obama's Poor Judgement

When President Obama chose Mr. Joe Biden to be his Vice President, it was a hint as to the lack of wise judgement and forethought of Mr. Obama.
On The Plate Today: Obama Supporters Want to Murder Romney, Saying So Openly

This is who they are, folks.  They are boldly, loudly, and publicly proclaiming their desire to murder the man who wants to defeat President Obama in the upcoming November Presidential election.

Read Secret Service Is Aware of Threats.
Read Their Threats to Riot and Murder Continue.

Friday, October 19, 2012

On The Plate Today:  We've Been Robbed!

President Obama took taxpayer money and gave it to "Green Energy" companies which, despite receiving the money, failed.  Click, "FAILED" to see the list of companies, and the amount of stimulus money taken.

This fiasco is far, far greater then the Enron scandal because it's been done in cahoots with - in partnership with - the government.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

On The Plate Today: The Lynching of Stacey Dash 

There is no room in the black community for diversity of opinion.

Every black American MUST stay tucked underneath the armpit of the Democrat Party or face vicious verbal attacks and/or death threats such as that experienced by brave actress Stacey Dash on Twitter today.

For daring to "make a run for it" from communal thought by endorsing Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, Stacey is being lambasted with profanity, and racial and sexual slurs by fellow blacks.  She is being lynched on Twitter for daring to stray from the binding fold.

Run Stacey, run. Exercise your freedom, woman! 

Read The Blaze about Stacey Dash.

To see the Oct 9, 2012 Follow-up Comments by Stacey Dash, click, Real Clear Politics.

Friday, October 5, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Ashamed of Obama's Lies

I am so ashamed of the outright lies that pour from the mouth of President Obama;

And, those people who eat up his lies like they are candy, even though they know they are untruths...SHAME!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

On The Plate: Why Don't Christians Rampage, Too?

Around the world, radical Muslims rampage, destroy, and kill when their religion is insulted.  Why don't Christians rampage, destroy, and kill when their religion, and Jesus Christ are insulted?

Because the Lord gives Christians the following command and expectations:

"Do not take revenge, My friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is Mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord." (Romans 12:19)

2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 reads:

"God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels."

Jude 14-15, promises that the following will  happen one day :

“See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of His holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

Now you see why Christians don't go on rampages, but must patiently wait.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ahmadinejad: The Hitler of our times.


God is going to have to put him in his place, also.
On The Plate Today: Eating From Garbage Bins

When a nation embarks on the course of socialism, poverty, starvation, decline, and ruin always follows for the common man.

In Spain, people are resorting to eating from garbage bins due to what socialism has done to the economy. Read the September 25th article in the New York Times.

Friday, September 21, 2012

On The Plate Today: "Ban Material Deemed Blasphemous"?

In a PRI (Public Radio International) September 21, 2012 article, Pakistani Interior Minister, Rehman Malik reportedly wants the United Nations "to develop international legislation to stop the circulation on material deemed blasphemous."

Who is going to determine what material is blasphemous or not?  A Muslim? A Christian? A Jew? A Buddhist?

In the Old Testament of the Bible, in Isaiah 9:6, Jesus is called, "Mighty God"; and, in the New Testament of the Bible, in John 10: 30-33 Jesus said, "I and the Father are One." This was considered blasphemous talk by the Jews who heard Him say it because He was making Himself equal with God. They wanted to stone Him for it.

There is no doubt that the scriptures above are considered blasphemous by Muslims.  Will Mr. Malik want the United Nations to stop such writings as that above as blaspheme against his Muslim beliefs, as well? I think so.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Rise of the Obama Nation

President Obama had pledged to bring America together, but instead, he has torn it apart, plundered it, and has solidified nearly half of Americans into his Marxist/socialist realm.

They have created their own flag...
...are pledging their allegiance to him...

Photo -

...and are making it clear that America is not "one nation under God, indivisible" anymore.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

On The Plate Today: Brains Aflame!

This photo was found on the Drudge Report

It is no secret that in the Muslim world, videos, movies, and statements defaming Christians and Jews are common, and widely distributed.

Do you see Christians and Jews angrily rampaging and murdering innocent people when they are defamed or offended?

The list of excuses the Muslims use to justify their rage:

#1 - All out hatred for Israel.
#2 - Secondary hatred for America.
#3 - A movie or video really ticks them off.
#4 - A word spoken irritates them to no end.
#5 - Displays of freedom drives them into a blood frenzy.
#6 - A rumor sets their brains aflame.

With their brains aflame, they spread their violence from country to country... The Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda, hand in hand, stirring up their volatile and forever angry masses.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On The Plate Today:  Obama Is Israel's Enemy, Too

Nations of the middle east are taking a more radical turn into darkness as the Muslim Brotherhood takes power in state after state in the region.

President Obama and his administration are actively aiding these enemies of Israel in every way they can, chiefly by weakening the United States (Israel's only real ally) from within.

By weakening the United States economically and militarily, Mr. Obama is making America unable to come to Israel's aid, if need be.

Now, Israel will have to rely on God alone in her current battle for survival from her raging enemies all around.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

On The Plate Today:  If Obama Loses...Rage!

The polarization caused by our current President has fatally divided this nation, so much so that if President Obama loses to Mitt Romney in the upcoming election, there will be fiery riots by angry hordes like you've never seen before.

The lawless ones will become even more lawless. The people Mr. Obama has stirred up over the years to envy and to hate their fellow Americans, will go on rampages of destruction when and if their great leader is defeated.

Be afraid, America. Be very afraid.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

On The Plate Today: Dems Won't Mention God In Their Convention Platform

No surprise that the Democrat Party won't mention their Creator and mine (God) at their convention this year.

With abortion and homosexual advocacy being part of their platform - what they stand for, they know it would be hypocritical for them to mention the One and Only righteous God in their event;

And, since the nation of Israel and Christianity are looked down upon by this group, God must certainly become persona non grata, in their view.

(Update: On 9/5/12, the Dems decided to -and no doubt, reluctantly - allow the mention of God back into their program at their convention. They also changed their public stance on Israel (hic).  When the voice vote was called, loud opposition to these changes seemed to overwhelm the "Ayes").

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On The Plate Today:  "House Niggers"

"House Niggers"-                                                                 A "house nigger"
That's what they call
us blacks-

The ten percent
of us free thinking souls,
not voting for Democrats. 
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